Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Marine Tank Update
t = 69.8F
This morning the Lunar lights went off early, but the morning light came on at 7 as it should have. KT appeared to be about 1" which is normal since it is the morning and I'm assuming it is still under stress from transportation.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
First Life Re-Introduction! (Kenya Tree)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Rehabilitation Day 1
Ammonia 0.25
So today is day 1 of the re-start!This morning I checked the ammonia and was surprised to fihd its low level at 0.25 given that I left the tank untouched for so long.Steps I made today:1. I had immediately disconnected the Fluval filter2. Rinsed the media in the filter body3. Thoroughly rinsed the filter floss in the filter body5. Dumped the water out of the filter body in the toilet (the water was brownish, but much lighter than a month-two before.6. Re-assembled the filter and refilled it with water form the tank7. Turned the filter back on. 8. Scooped the decayed plants remains from the fuge.9. Added 1 bucket of fresh (unsalted) water treated with Aqua Safe or something of that sort.10. Scrubbed the hair algae off the front glass.Status: all equipment seem to be working fine.
- Fluval 204 canister filter
- CPR AQ Fuge
- Power Head (to pump CPR)
- 36Wt Actinic Light (day interval)
- 2 LED Moonlights (night interval)
- 9 Wt bulb lighting the fuge at night
- 200 Wt heater in the fuge
Livestock: doubtful, except for plethora of green Hair Algae and Coraline Algae.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Light change in Fuge to 2700K
Can't wait for things to get back to normal to re-start the tank.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Filter Maint
Oh, the CPR is now serviced by 9 watt actinic bulb that is on 24/7.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Morning Check-up
t = 78.6
Ammo = 0.25, but closer to 0!
Ph = 7.9
SG = 1.025
I will do the filter maint (floss wash in tank water and about 1/2 gallon PWC tonight) to further bring ammo down.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Filter Maint
Filter floss rinse in a bucket of used water yeild yellowish-brownish water. Two smaller filter pads were rinsed too.
More Measurements
SG = 1.026
Ph = 8.5
Ammonia = never saw this color before. it is brownish - off the charts
Friday, September 12, 2008
Re-introduction of LR & Worms (?!)
So, this morning I woke up at 6:00 AM and decided to go with advice on killing aiptasias by injecting them with lemon juice. After making this decision I did:
- PWC (1 bucket of water out) = approx 1 gallon
- Scrubbed LR (stored in another bucket of water) with turkey brush under running tap water.
- Examined LR for life and found the following:
- Large Worms 2"+ will post picture later
- Small crustacean (like a snail 1/3")
- Piece of brown seaweed - 1/4"
White leathery blubs. - Some hair algae
- Weighted LR = 12 Lb - which is good according to this article
- Put scrubbed LR back into the tank and a couple of small pieces into the fuge.
- Filled up the tank with water with pre-dissolved salt using a declorinator from a yellow bottle.
- Re-measured SG = 1.026
Oh, while doing the above, I managed to drop my Fuge light inside the fuge! - it got the GFCI tripped and hopefully the light will be OK.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Just Another Day.
Monday, September 8, 2008
New Equipment: CPR Unit.
The ammonia reading prior to the PWC was.25 and the Ph was about 7.9 I'm looking into getting the light timer and a new 10K light bulb.
Oh, another survivor showed up - a serpae looking sea star! - she was spotted on the tank wall.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
PWC & Maint
- t = 82.5
- Ph = 8.0
- Ammo = 0.5-1.0
- SPg = 1.020
Post 30 - 40% PWC:
- Ph = 8.5
- Ammo = .25 !
- SPg = 1.020
Either yesterday or today I had dismantled the filter and squished the water out of the filter floss under the running water and out of the two filter pads until close to clear water was coming out. I believe that constituted to major Ammo drop.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Recovery and Survivors
- Ph 8.2
- NO3 = 0
- Ammonia 1.0 - 2.5 probably 2.5+
- Alk = 3.6; PO4 = 0
- SPg = 1.028
Then I turned off filter, skimmer, & heater. Moved all the live rock to the bucket (no corals on live rock made it ). Moved all pegs with surviving corals to the corner. Scrubbed the front and side walls with mag cleaner to A- cleanness scraping off all algae (coraline and other). Syphoned the water mixing up the top layer of live sand into the bucket with live rock.Whatever didn't fit, into another bucket (that one is to be dumped out later). Alltogether about 5" of greenish/blueish water were removed. Clock striked 12:30 AM. I scrabbed the filter pad from HOB DIY skimmer with a turkey brush under the stream of fresh water in the sink until it turned back to blueish. The pad was leaching yellowish water while being scrubbed. Started to poor tap water back into the tank (SPg prior to pooring went up to 1.036+) declorinating it with stuff from yellow bottle. When tank was almost full, took out coral pegs and shook off the sand, re-stuck the pegs into live sand. Checked the SPg = 1.017; poored salt into the skimmer chamber and it equipment on. After running it for a few mintues, reinserted the filter pad and turned the canister filter on too. SPg prior to going to bed and in the morning was 1.019. Poured more salt into the skimmer chamber. SPg went up to 1.020 and temp reading was 84.x F. 50/50 light went on by timer around 7:30 AM.
Second, the survivors: 1 maybe more turbo snails; sea hare - yey! - he's back to DBTC and is already spoken for; looks like ricordia corals on one of the pegs made it; mushroom coral. Some weird white blubs on the life rock.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tank CRASH Day
Yesterday I noticed that the corals looked pretty much dead, today I saw NO FISH IN MY TANK!
Pre-change readings:
- NH3/NH4 = blue! - never saw this color before - off the charts!
- Ph = 8.2
- NO3 = 0-10 - can't tell
- Alk = 3.6
- PO4 = 0.00
- SG = 1.028
Massive waterchange was carried out (4 canisters (Ocean Spray) of freshly mixed water were PWC'ed.
10K K light stopped working sometime before the crash, so the tank was serviced by a single 36 Wt 50/50 light bulb.
- Problem with the canister filter required its temporary shutdown (1+ month) with replacement by a HOB DIY Skimmer (from HOB filter). Strangely enough the week before the crash, all chemical levels reported normal (PH, Ammonia, Phosphate, Nitrate).
- What I think were the leading causes of crash: 1. cansiter filter was restarted after 1 month of bein stale (stupidly enough, yes I admit I made a stupidity, I didn't toss the water out of it. Second, the sp. gravity level rose from usual 1.025-1.026 to 1.035+ (top of the scale and probably even higher.Strangely enough I couldn't find neither of my three fishes this morning! (could the cat gotten them? - I truly don't think so, could they have gotten dissolve in the high salt water?)
SO, to the conclusion.I'm not ready to give up on this hobby. I plan to restart. This time I will do the following:
- Rescue the surviving corals [mushrooms] (tonight) by taking water measurements and making necessary adjustments. Will remove survivors off the live rock.
- Will syphon through the top layer of the live (still live?) sand while removing the water.
- Will remove live rock and will boil it to ensure all the aiptasias are GONE!
- Will scrub-clean the front and side glass of whatever that brown crap had grown on it during the last few days.
- Will ensure the canister filter and the skimmer function properly (flow adjustments).
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time to get back to bloggin'
Slime Alga => Lack of water flow, which is true since the powerfilter has been disconnected for a while
Bubble Alga => probably was introduced with the rocks from LI sound. Will have to be more careful next time and boil the damn rocks.
Hair Alga => Got a slimy kind of thingy yesterday (about 2" long) that's supposed to eat it. The thingy is called a "sea hare."
Darn aiptasias are doing well - the berghias team didn't seem to affect them a bit.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Snags and Issues
It wondered off (despite rubber band) and attached itself to a different rock. I had re-attached it to the one I want again this evening.
The problem is with my clamber light control strip. For the life of mine I can not figure out how to program the damn thing!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Fragging Kenya Tree, New Additions
I had acclimated the clam by changing 50% of water twice into a cup I brought her in. Then I dropped her and the rocks into the tank.
I tried to scrape off the smaller mushroom, but it started to leach out the slime and I left it alone. I tried to do the same with another coral and the story repeated itself.
Then I tried to tear off the smaller Kenya Tree. With a pretty big effort I was able to do so. I took a small stone from the tank and attached the fragged KT to it with a rubber band. We'll see if KT will attach itself to the rock in a week or so.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Maint Day (Long Overdue PWC!)
Resulting SPGa right after PWC = 1.024
Interesting thing noticed: I never looked at my tank at night before. Lately, since my timer is broken my light cycle is a bit erratic (Actinic is switched with 10K at different times and then 10K with Actinic and Actinic with night LEDs. However I do turn on my Actinic lights at around 7 AM every morning.
So, back to my discoveries: At 2:27 AM Kenya Tree (under two LEDs) looked "deflated," The mushroom was about 1/2 its daily size (about 1" in diameter during the day). Is this normal for them? - I don't know. Have to post this on a forum.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Feeding & Behavior Observation
This morning (7:15 AM) I dropped some food in the tank.
I have to say Mimo looks almost exactly like his new bud, I'm pretty sure they are of the same kind.
I could tell Mimo from his new bud right away! Mimo and the Devil went right after the food, but that fish stayed out. When he tried to approach the food he was let know by the Devil that he is not welcomed here. No fierce attacks, just little chase away.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mimo meets who?
Dropped a bag in the water. Fed the cat.
Poured some water into the bag. Took off my work clothes.
Poured some more water in. Went looking for the net. Cursed cuz I couldn't find it.
Poured the water with the clown out of the bag into the bucket through the net.
Released clown into the tank.
P.S. By the time this happened, only Moon LEDs were on.
Also bought Phytoplankton.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mushroom Planting
Prep 1
0. Read some articles on mushroom fragging.
1. Found a cork (from wine bottle)
2. Found never-used blade
3. Found some bandage
4. Found rubber band from old fish bag
5. Found a plastic container (used it before to transfer my fish in it)
6. Paper towel roll.
Prep 2.
1. Put a chair next to the tank
2. Thoroughly rinsed the blade and rubbed it with paper towel
3. Rinsed the cork
4. Spliced the cork to shorten it.
5. Tried the cork in aquarium (to see if it'll stay put) - it did.
6. Cut a piece of bandage small enough to cover the cork
7. Filled container (5) with aquarium water and put it on the chair
8. Took mushrooms peg out of the tank and tried to separate small mushroom growing on the side of the peg. (Mushroom became slimy and hard to handle. Scraped it off with the blade.)
9. Rinsed the peg with remaining two mushrooms in the container to remove excessive slime.
10. 10 Placed the peg back where it was in the tank.
11. "Pasted" the mushroom on top of the cork
12. Covered the cork with bandage and fixed it in place with rubber band.
13. Cut excess of bandage with the blade
14. Rinsed in the container.Place the newly planted mushroom next to the mother colony.
Will take the bandage off on July 7th (two weeks from planting time should allow the mushroom to heal).
Saturday, June 21, 2008
New Corals
Friday, June 20, 2008
More Corals
I brought the LR with corals home, and put it in a bucket. The water didn't cover the corals and they hanged down helplessly. I started to syphon water from my tank to the bucket until it was full. Then let is stand there while I was re-arranging LRs and Corals in my tank. When I was done, I took the rock out of the bucket and placed it in the center of my tank. The KTs stood up. I saw a couple of creatures in the bucket that looked like slim starfishes. I scooped them out and put them in my tank as well.
I dumped the water out of the bucket and mixed some new one to compensate for the lost water in the tank.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
First Corals added!
I got 1 mushroom and two others.
Pictures will be posted.
When I brought them in only my night light was on. I turned on the dawn lights and floated the bag for some time. Then I had poured the water into the bag once, let it float, poured it again, let it float. Then I took the sticks out and transferred the corals over. I burried the sticks up to the top in the live sand. Two next to live rock and one in the front of the tank. Then turned the lights back off.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Maint Day
Sp Grav: 1.022
Ph: 8.0 - 8.2
PO4: 0.0 - 0.1
NH3/NH4: 0.o <- 0.25
Partial water change: 10 % (1 bucket) @ SPG 1.023
Iodine: 40 drops added
Temp: 86F
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Light Adjustment
At last: I keep air conditioner on at 84 F to control room temperature.
Future plans:
1. Add two rear legs to uplift light fixture more.
2. Add computer air fans to move air below the light fixture.
Fed the fish with flakes.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Filter Maint
L = Fiber
M = Biorings
H = Purigen in mesh bag + more fiber
Changed O-ring and siliconed top to bottom to stop leakage.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cold Water!
Turned on the light (directly above the glass pane and that heated up the water by 2 F to 72 F which is still pretty low.
Still using inefficient air-driven filter.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Adjustments needed
I can not combat Ammonia. The additional waterflow from powerhead and ME 25 doesn't seem to have any affect on it. I'm planning to replace Ammochips with Purigen, stop ME 25 and see if that will rectify the situation.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Maint Day
Ammonia: .25 after 10% water change!
Salinity 1.025
Carried out 10% (1" off the top of the waterline) water change. Siphoned from the bottom.
Checked the ammonia in the water pre-mixed with salt before adding it to the tank. "Fresh" salt water shows 0 ammonia. Tank water shows .25 even after 10% waterchange.
I have ordered Purigen as I found out that AmmoChips are not good for saltwater.
After water change added 40 drops of iodine supplement.
Will reduce feeding to once a week on wednesdays in effort to combat ammonia.
New Equipment - Aqualizer.
Fed the fish with flakes.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
New Life, New Equipment
Today I bought two things,
First, I got some macro algae from Petco for $2.00, not sure what kind it is.
Second, I bought some device off advertisement on my website that is supposed to take care of my ammonia problem and reduce the need for water changes by 75%. It also should come with the water pump that is needed for water circulation increment in my tank his thing is supposed to arrive on Friday. Well, we'll see how that will work out.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
New Life, New Equipment
Ammonia: 0.25
Today I have bought a new plant (water weed) at Petco for about $2.00. I got it to diversify bioload in my tank with a secret hope that it will somehow help with ammonia level. I had requested its ID on the fish forum where I usually go. I had temperature acclimated it, and then dropped it in my tank. The plant naturally fell to the bottom w/o need to burry it in the sand where it makes now a nice natural centerpiece for my tank. I had thrown out that green plastic thing (see picture at the right).
Another thing, I bought a new piece of equipment for $37.00 that supposed to increase waterflow, eliminate ammonia, reduce the need for the water changes. This thing supposed to arrive on Friday to my work. We'll see how that will work out.
I'm afraid I had made a big mistake: I had cleaned the tank with papertowel sprayed with glass cleaner and then reached into the tank with my hands. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Fish Feeding
Ammonia = .025 but closer in color to 0
Nitrite Almost certainly 0.
I attribute positive change to new filter media and the new air pump that drives my bottom filter. (that thing is now bubbling really well and loud).
I also reduced the feeding amounts.
Fed the fish today.
The red slime is still taking over the tank. I'm considering buying a canister filter (Fluavl 10x series), especially given the hot summers in New York. I don't think the fish will survive under 86-89 F! So to avoid that I plan to buy canister filter and install it inside of the dorm fridge to use a filter/chiller kind of thing.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Change in Feeding
To buy
Chem tests for Calcium and Phosphate
Replace lightbulb
Thursday, April 24, 2008
NH3NH4 = 0.25
Tox. Amm. 20
Ph 8.6
I decided to check the parameters after I fed the anemones. Since the ammonia is too high, I'm going to reduce feeding to once in two days and will feed Anemones only once a week on weekends.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Anemone Feeding
I scraped a miniscule piece off one of them and fed three anemonies (the Senior, and two other ones that I could spot) The senior is still hiding behind the rock right under my filter's output. It was fun to watch it grab the piece of shrimp! Later that day I saw my clown bonding with the anemone - very interesting to watch!
I'm thinking about adding the macro algae to the fishtank.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Cleaning Day
Temp: 77 F
Ph: 8.4
Ammonia: .25
NO2: .1
NO3: 0 - 2.5
Alk: 2.8-2.9
Salinity: 1.022
Made 1 bucket water change.
Added about 40 drops of iodine supplement
Morning feeding was with the flakes
Sunday, April 6, 2008
More adjustments
My other bulb went out. So I have to buy a new one.
The other bulb left working is: Fluorescent 5000k.
Another Adjustment
My other bulb had burned out so I'm looking for replacement.
Current bulb left: Fluorescent 5000K.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
More Adjustments
Ph: 8.2
Ammonia: 0.0
Replaced filter with Penguin 125 Biowheel (for larger capacity aquariums); used old filter's sponge and new filter's ammochips as filtration media. Squirted some water on to the stones to get the debris out. Discovered that there is another small anemone inside there. So I have 4 small ones and one big one.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
First minor maint day
Evening Salinity:
This morning I fed the fish with the flake food.
Evening I fed the fish. Then I had topped the tank (about 3/4") with newly prepared water: about 1 cup of salt on 3" water in the bucket which gave me 1.025 salinity reading. Once I added the water I put in about 10 drops of iodine as well.
Fish seemed to respond fine.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Day 6: More discoveries
Temperature: 79 F
Salinity: 1.025 Good!
My tank and fish are doing well.
The anemone (or at least I think it is an anemone) - Moni Sr is still behind the rock right under the filter. Another one - Moni Jr is still on top of the tallest rock. I'm excited - can't wait to add more life to the tank!
Evening (10 PM): Came home and found two more anemone-like creatures. Both are reddish and about 1/3 in diameter.
Fed the fish with a bit of flake food.
Day 5: More Adjustments & Discoveries
Evening - Fed the fishes with live brine shrimp
Discovered something about 1" long on the live rock. It looked like pink worm with legs. - not sure what it is.
Moved the air-pump for bottom filter inside the tank stand. Removed the airstone that is not used anyway. I think that enough aeration will be provided by operating the bottom filter.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Day 4: Discoveriess
Temperature 74 F.
Salinity 1.020 Went up! - Great
Heater that I brought from another tank broke. I need to get a new one.
I found out that the thing that was on top of one of the rocks turned out to be another anemone. Today it was inflated to twice the yesterday's size!
We discovered some strange things (one like a crab another one like a ball of slime on the rocks.
I fed the fishes with some live brine shrimp. They can't take them at once. They put them in their mouthes and then spit out and take in again until they swallow the whole thing.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Day 3: Adjustments Day
Salinity: 1.018 Salinity: 1.019
Temp: 73 F. Ammonia: 0.0
Nitrate: 0.0
Ph: 8.2
Today I cleaned the salt from the bulbs.
Fed the fishes. They took flake food readily.
Anemone appears to be alive and acclimating well
Afternoon: I put the filter on. It blew off the anemone from the wall. I hope she is fine. Fed the fishes a bit more.
Anemone crawled behind the liver rock she seems fine.
I bought salt.
Dissolved salt in a water to .032 salinity.
Added the declorinator to the water and poured the water into the fish tank
That raised the salinity to 0.019.
Added 25 drops of iodine supplement to the water.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Day 2: Rest Day
Noticed that the anemone appeared in the corner of the tank.
Let her alone. The fishes seem fine.
Didn't do anything.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Day 1: Setup
1. took a big bucket and scooped about half the tank out in it.
2. transferred live rock into the bucket with water
3. took another bucket and scooped some water into it.
4. transferred anemone (the only one I could find into that bucket)
5. Took an empty container and scooped the fish with some water into it.
6. Let the container float (closed) in the bucket with water. Closed bucket with cap.
7 Brought both buckets, & fishtank with some water in it home by car.
1. Put a tank in my room on top of the piece of furniture between the windows.
2. Scooped some more water into the tank.
3. Put some live rock back into the tank
4. Hid a bottom filter among the rocks and connected airline to it.
5. Put the rest of the rocks in and poured the rest of the water.
6. Cleaned the buildup from the inside of the tank walls with a piece of a paper towel.
7. Let the container with the fish float on the surface (opened).
8. Some time later started to pour water from the tank to the container to less stress the fish (just a pre-caution, that was all the same water they were in so just the temperature could be the factor.)
9. Poured the rest of the water into the tank from another bucket.
10. Let the fish float back into the tank.
11. Put the cover on top of the tank.
My First Marine Aquarium
He offered a 10 gallon marine tank with fishes.
I got it on 3/27/08
Salty First Attempt (Failed)
My Salt Water Tank Very few mods from how I got it.
Water weed bought 5/6/08
red gracilaria (?) - Got either desintegrated or eaten
Moni Jr. on top of live rock!
I have like 3-4 of these - turned out to be Petsts!
Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)
Largest Anemone in my tank RIP - (rock crashed on her during tank maint)