Friday, September 12, 2008

Re-introduction of LR & Worms (?!)

So, this morning I woke up at 6:00 AM and decided to go with advice on killing aiptasias by injecting them with lemon juice. After making this decision I did:

  1. PWC (1 bucket of water out) = approx 1 gallon
  2. Scrubbed LR (stored in another bucket of water) with turkey brush under running tap water.
  3. Examined LR for life and found the following:
  4. Large Worms 2"+ will post picture later
  5. Small crustacean (like a snail 1/3")
  6. Piece of brown seaweed - 1/4"
    White leathery blubs.
  7. Some hair algae
  8. Weighted LR = 12 Lb - which is good according to this article
  9. Put scrubbed LR back into the tank and a couple of small pieces into the fuge.
  10. Filled up the tank with water with pre-dissolved salt using a declorinator from a yellow bottle.
  11. Re-measured SG = 1.026

Oh, while doing the above, I managed to drop my Fuge light inside the fuge! - it got the GFCI tripped and hopefully the light will be OK.

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