Friday, September 5, 2008

Recovery and Survivors

First, the care process: At night when I got back home I took all the pre-change measurements:
  • Ph 8.2
  • NO3 = 0
  • Ammonia 1.0 - 2.5 probably 2.5+
  • Alk = 3.6; PO4 = 0
  • SPg = 1.028

Then I turned off filter, skimmer, & heater. Moved all the live rock to the bucket (no corals on live rock made it ). Moved all pegs with surviving corals to the corner. Scrubbed the front and side walls with mag cleaner to A- cleanness scraping off all algae (coraline and other). Syphoned the water mixing up the top layer of live sand into the bucket with live rock.Whatever didn't fit, into another bucket (that one is to be dumped out later). Alltogether about 5" of greenish/blueish water were removed. Clock striked 12:30 AM. I scrabbed the filter pad from HOB DIY skimmer with a turkey brush under the stream of fresh water in the sink until it turned back to blueish. The pad was leaching yellowish water while being scrubbed. Started to poor tap water back into the tank (SPg prior to pooring went up to 1.036+) declorinating it with stuff from yellow bottle. When tank was almost full, took out coral pegs and shook off the sand, re-stuck the pegs into live sand. Checked the SPg = 1.017; poored salt into the skimmer chamber and it equipment on. After running it for a few mintues, reinserted the filter pad and turned the canister filter on too. SPg prior to going to bed and in the morning was 1.019. Poured more salt into the skimmer chamber. SPg went up to 1.020 and temp reading was 84.x F. 50/50 light went on by timer around 7:30 AM.

Second, the survivors: 1 maybe more turbo snails; sea hare - yey! - he's back to DBTC and is already spoken for; looks like ricordia corals on one of the pegs made it; mushroom coral. Some weird white blubs on the life rock.

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Salty First Attempt (Failed)
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Water weed bought 5/6/08

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Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)

Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)
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