Thursday, April 24, 2008


Temp: 80F
NH3NH4 = 0.25
Tox. Amm. 20
Ph 8.6
I decided to check the parameters after I fed the anemones. Since the ammonia is too high, I'm going to reduce feeding to once in two days and will feed Anemones only once a week on weekends.

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Salty First Attempt (Failed)

Salty First Attempt (Failed)
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Water weed bought 5/6/08

Water weed bought 5/6/08
red gracilaria (?) - Got either desintegrated or eaten

Moni Jr. on top of live rock!

Moni Jr. on top of live rock!
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Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)

Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)
Largest Anemone in my tank RIP - (rock crashed on her during tank maint)