Saturday, April 5, 2008

More Adjustments

Salinity 1.020.
Ph: 8.2
Ammonia: 0.0

Replaced filter with Penguin 125 Biowheel (for larger capacity aquariums); used old filter's sponge and new filter's ammochips as filtration media. Squirted some water on to the stones to get the debris out. Discovered that there is another small anemone inside there. So I have 4 small ones and one big one.

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Salty First Attempt (Failed)

Salty First Attempt (Failed)
My Salt Water Tank Very few mods from how I got it.

Water weed bought 5/6/08

Water weed bought 5/6/08
red gracilaria (?) - Got either desintegrated or eaten

Moni Jr. on top of live rock!

Moni Jr. on top of live rock!
I have like 3-4 of these - turned out to be Petsts!

Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)

Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)
Largest Anemone in my tank RIP - (rock crashed on her during tank maint)