Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 3: Adjustments Day

Morning Parameters: Evening:
Salinity: 1.018 Salinity: 1.019
Temp: 73 F. Ammonia: 0.0
Nitrate: 0.0
Ph: 8.2

Today I cleaned the salt from the bulbs.
Fed the fishes. They took flake food readily.
Anemone appears to be alive and acclimating well
Afternoon: I put the filter on. It blew off the anemone from the wall. I hope she is fine. Fed the fishes a bit more.
Anemone crawled behind the liver rock she seems fine.

I bought salt.
Dissolved salt in a water to .032 salinity.
Added the declorinator to the water and poured the water into the fish tank
That raised the salinity to 0.019.
Added 25 drops of iodine supplement to the water.

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Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)

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