Saturday, March 14, 2009

Glueing & Observing Zoas Close with 10K off

So, today the pleasant discovery was that on of the Kenya Tree frags on the coral plug survived and opened up to 1/4"! (Look at the plug to the left of Leather)

I had arranged the new arrivals: Leather was put on a rock, zoas were super-glued to a bigger rock; Hydnophora was re-glued in place.

The toadstool is doing well in my opinon (it is expanding at least some polyps on its previously smooth surface.
I counted about 35 zoa heads on the frag I gotten. Some of them actually opened up today and I could notice sweeper tentacles.

Green hydnophora is also doing well I saw some new bumps on it (probably expanded tentacles too).
Interesting: the zoas closed almost right after the 10K lights went off!

In the evening I noticed some whitish worm living in one of the live rocks. I hope he's not harmful to the corals...

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