Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tank Downgrade (Aesthetic upgrade)

So today I decided to change my setup.
I got a 12G Biocube DX off Manhattan Reefs user.

  1. The 12G was put on a chair and the water was put in it (1/2")

  2. Water was taken out from 10G into a bucket from salt.

  3. Rocks & heater were placed in the bucket

  4. Coral was placed in the bucket

  5. Sand was brushed to check for worms. - No worms were discovered

  6. Sand was transferred over into the 12G.

  7. Rest of the water was partially saved in a filter (Previously emptied)

  8. 10 G was taken off the stand

  9. ALL Biomedia from canister filter (foam blocks and biorings) were placed in the back chambers of 12G.

  10. 12G was put on the stand.

  11. Rockes were placed in 12G

  12. Water was poured back into 12G

  13. Coral was placed back into 12G.

  14. Heater and water pump were plugged in.


  1. Overall system volume was reduced. (I no longer will use a fuge with this setup nor will I use the canister filter

  2. Lights have to turned on and off manually and need to be rewired if to be controlled separately.

  3. Fans make a bit of noise.

  4. Size too small: I could fit 14 G biocube in its place.

Pros: Aesthetic appeal of the tank improved greately! There is no longer a filter next to it.

Conclusions: I will stick with the 12G biocube for now and will tryto upgrade it to the 14 Gallon in the future.

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