Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lighting Adjustment + Feeding

Today I adjusted the lighting regimen: so Actinic kicks in at 6:30 AM and turns off at around 9:00 PM.
10K kicks in around 10:00 AM and turns off around 7 PM.
Boy those corals color up under actinics! GSP starts glowing bright green and zoa glow dark blueish greeen.
Larger GSP started to spread to the back of the rock.
I'm still combatting GHA (Green Hair Algae), but it seems to be manageable.
Lots of coraline started to pop-up on the glass (maybe in response to more regular water changes and dosing of trace+iodine + buffer?
  • Regular morning feeding of corals: 28 drops of phyto.
  • Regular morning feeding of clowns: frozen fish food.

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Salty First Attempt (Failed)

Salty First Attempt (Failed)
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Water weed bought 5/6/08

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Moni Jr. on top of live rock!

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Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)

Moni Sr.(Haitian pink-tip anemone)
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